Thursday, August 20, 2009


So it is the day before i leave for college. Crazy adventure right? but as i stare at my room as i make it a vacant place, i start to worry. What if i don't live up to my expectations. What if i fail everyone? Fear is starting to set in. What in the world i am doing? What could make me feel prepared for this??

Everyone has left me now. So i don't really have a choice. I went back to highschool. A place i feel safe on Monday. It told me how much I should move on. It's no longer time for me to be around here and time to move on. However it's a scary thought. I know i fit in here and as much as I believe my personality is one people want to befriend. There is always that fear that no one wants to be your friend. We will see how it works out. I hope that i can be proud of the person I will be at college.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

So here i go

So a new friend gave me the idea of starting a blog. I don't really know if it's a good idea, but it can't hurt can it? I guess it's cause right now i am in some major pain. You see my Ex was the love of my life. Four years with one guy, you have to love him. However as senior year drew to a close, we didn't know what to do. Then he made some decisions that made it very clear what path we were going to take. I however cannot forget how many good times we had and how much I loved and still do love him. Is that a bad thing. I don't know I guess i am just lost and confused. thats where my heart is at the moment